TheTown and Village of Malone Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) is a locally prepared inter-municipal comprehensive land and water use plan for the Town and Village's natural, public, and developed waterfront resources along the Salmon River.
The Town and Village of Malone LWRP provides a comprehensive framework within which critical waterfront issues can be addressed and planned waterfront improvement projects can be pursued and implemented. The Town and Village of Malone LWRP was adopted on October 26, 2011 by the Town Board, and on October 13, 2011 by the Village Board, and approved by the New York State Secretary of State on March 9, 2012.
The highlighted text is a download link for the fulll Town and Village of Malone LWRP document.
The links below provide easy access to each part of the Town and Village of Malone LWRP, as approved in 2012:
Section I. Waterfront Revitalization Area Boundary
LWRP Vision and Goals Statement
Section II. Inventory and Analysis
Section III. Waterfront Revitalization Program Policies
Section IV. Proposed Land Uses, Water Uses, and Projects
Section V. Local Implementation Techniques
Section VI. State Actions and Programs Likely to Affect Implementation
Section VII. Consultation with other Agencies
Appendix A. Town of Malone Waterfront Consistency Review Law
Appendix B. Village of Malone Waterfront Consistency Review
Appendix C. Town of Malone Law Waterfront Overlay District
Appendix D. Village of Malone Law Waterfront Overlay District
Appendix E. Town of Malone Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control
Appendix F. Village of Malone Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control
Map Gallery
With the assistance of the Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Village and Town of Malone are initiating the preparation of a watershed management plan for the Salmon River and the design and construction of portions of Mill Park.